Magazine Caesar Ceramics, The unique ‘material culture’ that identifies us comes from more than 30 years experience and innovation in the field of high-quality Italian porcelain tile, a guarantee of comprehensive technical know-how.

17 November 2015

Opening of hidorgea showroom in rome

Rome, November 2015. Advice, training and workshops, innovation: these are just some of the opportunities that Ceramiche Caesar Spa offers retailers, architects...

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08 October 2015

Cersaie 2015: a success called caesar

Fiorano Modenese | October 2015. The 33rd edition of Cersaie in Bologna has recently come to a close, registering a tremendous influx of visitors from Italy and...

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24 August 2015

Caesar new collections: countdown to cersaie 2015

August 2015 | Fiorano Modenese. Cersaie 2015 is approaching, from 28 September to 2 October the city of Bologna will host the 33rd edition of Cersaie exhibition...

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29 July 2015

Ceramiche caesar - preview cersaie 2015

July 2015, Bologna. Here are the highlights of the 33th edition of Cersaie, more reason to attend. -This year, Cersaie is expected to attract 900 exhibitors ...

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