Proyecto residencial Ceramiche Caesar, A lo largo de más de 30 años de experiencia e innovación en gres porcelánico italiano de altísima calidad, garantía de amplios conocimientos técnicos sobre este material, hemos desarrollado la peculiar “cultura del material” que nos identifica.

The philosophy which guides the development of CAESAR products is based on a strong culture of the material, meticulous attention to detail and design, and a high certified value of the functional performance of porcelain tiles. These characteristics define Caesar's Made in Italy ceramic and have made it a point of reference worldwide.

The many exemplary installations of our products around the world include a recently completed residential project close to London, UK. London is one of the global centres for modern design, constantly forging new standards for creativity, with its emerging suburbs and an architectural cachet renowned worldwide.

In this highly appealing setting on the outskirts of the capital, a large house stands in a private park, featuring a contemporary combination of the most recent stylistic trends with elements inspired by nature, resulting in excellent performance in terms of both aesthetics and efficiency.


CAESAR solutions were the perfect match for the project, which employs tiles from the Arthis and Anima collections.

Arthis is inspired by the noble traditions of woodworking, a collection of porcelain tiles of extraordinary beauty which transforms the natural material into an expression of craftsmanship, warmth and elegance. The project uses the brown Oleum tonality, featuring the unique character of oiled oak, for the floors, to lend the rooms a welcoming, natural atmosphere.


This is contrasted with another natural material, a ceramic interpretation of marble from the Anima collection. The collection features a selection of highly prized marbles to express the meeting of the finite with the infinite: the ceramic panels, with their sizes and colours, evoke an affinity with nature. Nero Atlante and Bianco Alpino have been chosen for the floors in the areas connecting the various rooms of the home. Their contrasting colours harmonise in a pleasing chessboard effect which also highlights their veining, turning the natural stone into an integral element of contemporary

Baldosas utilizadas en el proyecto

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